Featured Seller: Wicked Indulgence Confectionery
I've put off writing about this shop for a few weeks or so just because I know this shop best fits the Love month. If you want something unique to give to your lover, partner, or you just want to make someone happy this Valentines' Day, I'd say get them some wicked dark chocolates from the Wicked Indulgence Confectionery.
Note: This post is for serious chocoholics!
Diamonds may be every girls bestfriend, BUT.. Like what I told mam Angie, the next best thing is chocolate!!! I feel privileged to feature an amazing shop that I'm so happy it discovered my site thus I learned about what they offer... and I'm pretty sure you'll be amazed and intrigued as much as I am.
There's more to chocolate than meets the eye! True enough, I've seen just how creative Wicked Indulgence could be. Just by simply going to their multiply shop, you'll already be enticed by how they see and speak of chocolate. More than that, their main focus is Dark Chocolate and fusions! If there's all sorts of 2012 fashion trends, I'm telling you Dark Chocolate is the latest trend on chocolates. But I'm pretty sure these fusion chocolates that the Wicked Indulgence has to offer would leave you wondering and wanting for more. (sure is working on me!)
When asked, Mam Angie said that among their best sellers are the Cinnamon, Nutmeg & Vanilla (heavenly with a mean cup of Cafe Americano, dunk it and let it melt slowly) and the Chili - especially among male clients (simply because of its contradictory slow burn and knockout power). Personally, mam Angie mentioned she loves the Dark Caramel Crisp (the honeycomb is also handmade) and the Chili. Opposite in every way but perfect for eating together.
These are your selections:
The way mam Angie talks about these chocolates definitely tickles your imagination.
They've also got some rocking instructions as to how to eat your chocolates to fully enjoy it.
I seriously recommend trying out their chocolates, and most especially, getting it as gift to your honey. You can even order a set and maybe enjoy it by the fire place or as dessert after a romantic dinner. Nothing beats first experiences. Experience the bliss of gourmet chocolates, and just like what the Wicked Indulgence Confectionery's shop says: "Welcome to dark side!"
Cheers!!! ^_^
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