Blog in Transition. Hooray!
Hi guys!
Finally... after years and years of blogging and tons of hiatus moments, this blog is officially in transition. Behold, I now have my own domain: (look at your address bar and you'll find out that you've been automatically redirected.. if I'm not mistaken...) it's sooooo exciting!
So far, I have revamped a few elements in this site but all in all we're still focused in: shopping, where to shop, fashion, tips, lookbook, trends, and many more.
There you go... we're now officially airing from:
Did I mention that this is oh so freaking awesome???????
Yeah, well... yey me!
Now, I'll be accepting link exchanges, blog rolls, etc. *ehem* Advertisers? Sponsors? haha..
Hit me up!
Ciao for now!

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